Friday, February 18, 2022

Expanding Upon CRT and SEL

Happy Friday!

First, thanks to everyone that got out and showed their support on Tuesday! Finishing in the 2-slot out of nine only means one thing: we’ve got 45 days before the election and I’m on the ballot. That is an approach I adopted from Coach Schwendler, my high school wrestling coach, as we wrapped up the regular season and headed into the Regional Tournament: everyone is 0-0, and it is only what we do next that will matter.

That said, I understand we will be fielding questions. Some may be in our wheelhouse, while others may require further research.

For example, at Monday’s Board Meeting they were talking about partnering with TitletownTech - a partnership between the Packers and Microsoft - to craft a strategy as it relates to Information Technology, computing and even data warehousing! Considering I have a Masters in CIS and have been a Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator for nearly 25 years, I would love to get involved with this initiative! I have already emailed the administration to lend my expertise.

On the flip side, there may be topics that will require further understanding. I don’t expect to be an expert on every topic, but I do hold myself to a high standard when researching topics I’m less familiar with. As a parent I brought data, facts, and my thoughts to the board for consideration, so as that model would imply, I’m now on the receiving end of that relationship as a candidate. What I thought in December has evolved to include your feedback, additional reading, and research.

That holds true for the CRT/SEL topic I see folks asking about. I’ve read Assembly/Senate Bills 411. I’ve read and watched videos produced by CASEL, which Wisconsin DPI adapts and defines SEL from. I’ve spoken with school board members – not only ours, but from across the state – to understand their approach to these topics. Folks I’ve spoken with agree that the social and emotional well-being of our children is a top priority, but in the context of curriculum this topic becomes much too broad to cover in an online post.

Most importantly, I will continue talking to those that will be voting in the upcoming election on April 5th. While I may have personal beliefs on certain topics, those beliefs will further evolve by going through this process. The job of a school board member is to absorb, learn and act in the best interest of the community and district. And that is what I intend to do.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Allen McGuire

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