Monday, January 31, 2022
My Responses to the Green Bay Press-Gazette Questionnaire
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Brown County Case Analysis, January 24th, 2022
Today was a busy day, but I wanted to download fresh WI DHS data to see where things stood.
First, Rt (Figure 1), which is a calculation that projects near-term infection rates. It is a metric developed by folks from Harvard, Yale and Stanford Medical, funded by HHS/CDC. "If it’s above 1.0, COVID-19 cases will increase in the near future. If it’s below 1.0, COVID-19 cases will decrease in the near future." It is the only data source I refer to for future projections, realizing that it may correct or adjust daily.
Today I looked at the State of Wisconsin and Rt for the state is at 0.69 and Brown County is at the lowest level I've ever seen it at 0.50. It had started trending down in early January, but I like to see a trend mature to over 14-days of age before giving it too much weight.
Second, DHS case data, which is trending down across Brown County (Figure 2). I noted last week that testing volume started to taper off, which is always a second indicator that cases would soon follow. That trend has held true. Masking, or lack thereof, does not influence these trends, rather testing volume does. Masking likely reduces the impulse to test continuously, but testing volume is the core driver behind the positive cases.
Look closely at Figure 2 that shows the relationship between testing volume (the top dark blue line) and positive cases (the bottom light blue line). This is because the cycle thresholds the labs process tests at are far too sensitive (between 37 and 40), returning over 50% more positive results as compared to a cycle threshold of 30, for example, like the NBA has switched to using.
There is a misconception by some that putting the masks on at Lineville and Howard Elementary influenced the positive tests. That is a false interpretation of the data. If you look at the other districts, you'll see that they all followed the same trajectories. Figure 3 further breaks down the positive cases by ages 0-9 and 10-19. Green Bay (Red: K-12 mask mandate) is faring no better than any other district (Yellow: K-6 masking, Green: mask optional).
In summary, with the decline in Rt and overall testing volume, cases have now started to trend down. Lets hope these trends continue.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Parental Choice v. Mandates
- Empower Parents: I feel parents should make choices for their children. Why? Let's say your child is just getting over infection and they now have natural immunity. Should they have to return on Tuesday the 18th with a mask on? That is a question best answered by the parents of those children. According to the HSSD Dashboard, this includes a good number of students that tested positive this past week, the vast majority of which will be recovered by the 18th.
- Stabilize Health Response Plans: As parents, we don't like the anxiety of walking on egg shells wondering if or when the protocols are going to change. Folks are watching the dashboard, doing their own calculations, emailing the board with personal opinions or expertise, etc. While the policies have stabilized and become more defined of late, there is more work to do. I feel there must be compelling data to supersede the discretion of you, the parent.
- Identify & Address Learning Loss: Viruses are not to blame for learning loss, responses to viruses are. Whether it was virtual learning, quarantines or masking, they have all contributed to setting many of our children back. We need to do everything we can to shift the momentum towards catching up from the past two years, before it is too late.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Campaigns are time consuming and do come with out-of-pocket expenses, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated! Even $5 can help reach a few more mailboxes to spread my message.
Thank you!
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Ready to Get to Work!
I've put considerable time and thought into my messaging, and I've narrowed my list of action items down to seven. There are no lack of opportunities for continuous improvement but certain ones rose to the top due to the challenges we've faced the past couple years. I plan on unpacking each of these in the coming days and weeks!
Can you host a sign?
The primary is on February 15th!
If you are interested in putting a sign out, drop me a note and I'll put it on my list. I'll even deliver them so no need to worry about that.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Spread the word!
Good afternoon!
Monday, January 3, 2022
Mitigating Learning Loss
Happy Monday everyone! For those that went to the Packer game last night, I hope you thawed out by now!
2022-23 Equalization Aid Computations for Howard-Suamico School District
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I have taken the time to unpack the Equalization Aid formula. All of this data is available on the WI DPI website, but it is not easy readin...
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